Friday, February 26, 2010


弟 子 规

总 叙

弟子规 圣人训 首孝弟 次谨信
泛爱众 而亲仁 有余力 则学文

入 则 孝

父母呼 应勿缓 父母命 行勿懒
父母教 须敬听 父母责 须顺承
冬则温 夏则凊 晨则省 昏则定
出必告 反必面 居有常 业无变
事虽小 勿擅为 苟擅为 子道亏
物虽小 勿私藏 苟私藏 亲心伤
亲所好 力为具 亲所恶 谨为去
身有伤 贻亲忧 德有伤 贻亲羞
亲爱我 孝何难 亲憎我 孝方贤
亲有过 谏使更 怡吾色 柔吾声
谏不入 悦复谏 号泣随 挞无怨
亲有疾 药先尝 昼夜侍 不离床
丧三年 常悲咽 居处变 酒肉绝
丧尽礼 祭尽诚 事死者 如事生

出 则 弟

兄道友 弟道恭 兄弟睦 孝在中
财物轻 怨何生 言语忍 忿自泯
或饮食 或坐走 长者先 幼者后
长呼人 即代叫 人不在 己即到
称尊长 勿呼名 对尊长 勿见能
路遇长 疾趋揖 长无言 退恭立
骑下马 乘下车 过犹待 百步余
长者立 幼勿坐 长者坐 命乃坐
尊长前 声要低 低不闻 却非宜
进必趋 退必迟 问起对 视勿移
事诸父 如事父 事诸兄 如事兄

朝起早 夜眠迟 老易至 惜此时
晨必盥 兼漱口 便溺回 辄净手
冠必正 纽必结 袜与履 俱紧切
置冠服 有定位 勿乱顿 致污秽
衣贵洁 不贵华 上循分 下称家
对饮食 勿拣择 食适可 勿过则
年方少 勿饮酒 饮酒醉 最为丑
步从容 立端正 揖深圆 拜恭敬
勿践阈 勿跛倚 勿箕踞 勿摇髀
缓揭帘 勿有声 宽转弯 勿触棱
执虚器 如执盈 入虚室 如有人
事勿忙 忙多错 勿畏难 勿轻略
斗闹场 绝勿近 邪僻事 绝勿问
将入门 问孰存 将上堂 声必扬
人问谁 对以名 吾与我 不分明
用人物 须明求 倘不问 即为偷
借人物 及时还 后有急 借不难

凡出言 信为先 诈与妄 奚可焉
话说多 不如少 惟其是 勿佞巧
奸巧语 秽污词 市井气 切戒之
见未真 勿轻言 知未的 勿轻传
事非宜 勿轻诺 苟轻诺 进退错
凡道字 重且舒 勿急疾 勿模糊
彼说长 此说短 不关己 莫闲管
见人善 即思齐 纵去远 以渐跻
见人恶 即内省 有则改 无加警
唯德学 唯才艺 不如人 当自砺
若衣服 若饮食 不如人 勿生戚
闻过怒 闻誉乐 损友来 益友却
闻誉恐 闻过欣 直谅士 渐相亲
无心非 名为错 有心非 名为恶
过能改 归于无 倘掩饰 增一辜

泛 爱 众

凡是人 皆须爱 天同覆 地同载
行高者 名自高 人所重 非貌高
才大者 望自大 人所服 非言大
己有能 勿自私 人所能 勿轻訾
勿谄富 勿骄贫 勿厌故 勿喜新
人不闲 勿事搅 人不安 勿话扰
人有短 切莫揭 人有私 切莫说
道人善 即是善 人知之 愈思勉
扬人恶 即是恶 疾之甚 祸且作
善相劝 德皆建 过不规 道两亏
凡取与 贵分晓 与宜多 取宜少
将加人 先问己 己不欲 即速已
恩欲报 怨欲忘 报怨短 报恩长
待婢仆 身贵端 虽贵端 慈而宽
势服人 心不然 理服人 方无言

亲 仁

同是人 类不齐 流俗众 仁者希
果仁者 人多畏 言不讳 色不媚
能亲仁 无限好 德日进 过日少
不亲仁 无限害 小人进 百事坏

余 力 学 文

不力行 但学文 长浮华 成何人
但力行 不学文 任己见 昧理真
读书法 有三到 心眼口 信皆要
方读此 勿慕彼 此未终 彼勿起
宽为限 紧用功 工夫到 滞塞通
心有疑 随札记 就人问 求确义
房室清 墙壁净 几案洁 笔砚正
墨磨偏 心不端 字不敬 心先病
列典籍 有定处 读看毕 还原处
虽有急 卷束齐 有缺坏 就补之
非圣书 屏勿视 蔽聪明 坏心志
勿自暴 勿自弃 圣与贤 可驯致

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today is 10th day of Chinese New Year

This Chinese New Year is the most meaningful year, every single day I went to meet my old friends and relatives. Greetings and wishes passing through each others.

One day before the first day of CNY - as most of family, having reunion dinner in mother in law's house located in Menglembu, Perak. Although not many dishes been served, we appreciated harmonious times having dinner together. Three sister-in-law included me busy helping on preparing Chicken (Yim Kai in Cantonese), mushroom pig's hand, abalone, fried vegetables, radish pig's stomach soap. Dinner started on 8pm and ended around 9.30pm.
After dinner, we were preparing one more round for 'Bai tin kong : Jie Cai Shen' 拜天空: 接财神。Busying until midnight, tired. However, when I saw my family members happy I felt happier too!

First day of Chinese New Year - 拿红包,派红包。Sometimes I can see from my kids, he or she does not know why taking 'hong bao' from aunt or uncle. 'Hong bao' directly pass it to me. For them the most important is play with they peer partners. Around 2pm, back to my hometown Selama Kedah visiting my mother, brothers and sisters. Wah!热闹!My mother has 24 grandson and granddaughter. For the amount of headcount, it can form a kinder garden class.

Second day of Chinese New Year - Drove to Serdang to find my best friend, she was my best friend when I was studying in secondary school. She has been moved out from her old house, luckily her's old neighbor brought us to her father's house.

She - Li Yong, not much changes. Beautiful and fair. Beside her, Toh Chee Kok (Her husband, her classmate and also my classmate), 5 years old girl and 2 years old boy. Li Yong and Chee Kok working in Singapore for 10 year, oh my goodness. I'm working in Singapore too but we never contact each others?

The other of my good friend - Rachal Ng.
Still single, beautiful and confident.
Travelling half of the world. This coming March planning to Taiwan. 佩服!

Third day of Chinese New Year - BBQ party at my home.
Beginning of day, after woke up I have to clear backyard and parking lot.
Get all BBQ equipments - fork, BBQ stand ready...
Call my sisters confirm the attendants and timing when would they arrived.

1pm - rush to Tesco to bought a list of foods and tools.
3pm - marinade drumstick, garlic bread, mushroom soap, salad, roasted potato, ice-cream, glass root '仙草水‘, oranges juices, fried Mee Hoon, hot dog, chicken ball and last but not least is salmon fish.

Kind of busy, all done by me!!! only preparing and washing....

Take this opportunity visit all of our old and new friends.
拜年时温馨的句话:‘你好吗?’ 就够了。

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chinese New Tiger Year

While packing of my kids' Chinese New Year shirts, I was checking my facebook to see whether have some new updates from my friends.

I wanna visit them one by one who live in Serdang (ex-secondary classmates) and Penang (ex-college's friends) in two weeks time.

Time really flies, almost 10+ years I haven't visited them. I missed them so much recently. 'Don't know why??? the friendship never have forget en!'

This coming New Year I gonna find my old friends one by one. See how many can I find....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Within two days had two incidents happened which I'd never thought its were happened in Singapore.

1. Monday evening after I came back from jogging.
My son told me : 'Third floor's aunt has some toys and she wants to pass it to us.'
I answered : 'Is it, are you kidding:'
Though, Singapore is a realistic country. Where got people so kind!
I just ignored him.

When I was showering, the aunt brought a big bag of toys and passed it to my son.
My son and daughter were so happy, we're so grateful to the third floor's aunt although all the toys we received are not new one.

2. Tuesday Morning, A dad and his daughter jump into a deep drain beside my block. I was curious and just looked at her.

She is in age 20's and has a pair of beautiful eyes, she knew I'm looking at her.
She spontaneous answered my curiosity's : 'We are trying to rescue a kitten, it fell down two days ago!' That means the kittens overnight here for two days???????????
She continues to said : 'Not only one kitten, have two kittens.'
Can see she so worry of the kittens life.
I walked back home, praise this lady in my heart --- 'So Kind'